Thursday, March 17, 2016

Sex, virginity, porn and prostitution

Well the title of blog itself is quite spicy and very hot. No wonder if it brings me sedition charges over explicit use of such inflammatory and arousing words on a public blog. But I was thinking of some topic and these words came to my mind so I thought of writing on this. I would limit my words given the sensitive nature of topic. Whatever, I am writing here may or may not be my personal views or practice. This is merely an exercise to reflect on the prevailing trend in the society.

So first comes the virginity. A prized possession of past but nowadays becoming anachronistic and irrelevant. Virginity is advocated on the count that your semen turns into oza and it brings magnetism to your personality. It also brings purity in the mind and soul. This was considered the secret behind aura of Swami Vivekananda who mastered the art of Brahmacharya.
However, in contemporary society, virginity runs the risk of being perceived as impotency or perversion. Last year India Today survey showed that nearly 47% of surveyed girls in metro cities below age of eighteen had lost their virginity. May be use of phrase "lost their virginity" shows prejudice of 20th century as the figure shows it is no more a prized possession. And mind you, these are girls. So for boys I can safely assume the figure to be some percentage higher provided girls have not left boys behind even in this domain. In such atmosphere, if an adult says he is virgin then he is definitely going to grab some eyeballs with raised eyebrows and expression of horror, disgust and astonishment. This followed with immediate question on his sexual orientation like "gay to nahi hai bhai, sab thik hai na or a more poignant one like khada hota hai na".

A level headed boy or girl can ignore these expression provided his semen really turn into oza and he attains some peace and purity. But I wonder if that is possible. With Sunny Leone, Savita bhabhi and Santas porn girls around, what level of purity can someone attain. By the way, another survey showed that girls watch porn more than boys. So they might have their own desi boys, sanju bhaiya or some other web sites. Point here is how can one attain purity with so much shit floating around.

So should this be banned? But is banning going to yield any benefit. In our society, boys are more than girls. Parents are reluctant to talk about sex, and teachers teach about sex as if they are talking about some other third world concept. The concept is taught in such a complex manner that many students realise after the class that teacher was talking about their dicks and pussies. Some may even take years to understand what exactly happened that day. In such atmosphere, pornography is good source of sex education.

However, what about research studies which points to pornography induced violence. Keeping in mind these dimensions, Child pornography, and hardcore porn should be banned. Only soft porn should be allowed to float around. You know even you don't like hard tight shit or liquid stools. Both points to disturbed stomach. As a society, we should adopt middle path on this.

So then what about prostitution? In childhood, whenever you insisted on a real car, parents would buy you a toy car. But once grown up, they wish to experience a real thing, how exactly it plays out. They are not satisfied with cheap toys.
Beyond that, allowing prostitution would help in providing better health services among this section of society. We can act on this targeted group to avoid the incidence of HIV Aids. Moreover, The government can protect their rights. Nowadays, they are paid for one guy but the whole team ends up exploiting her. So legalizing it help in protecting their rights and empowering them.

But then can we have such things in residential complexes? What about our culture and social morality? Well, we need to have dedicated regulated red light areas where such activities are allowed. And such things were present in our society from post vedic age so no tantrums on that. It has always been around.

But then why sex in the first place. Is it really a compulsory need of the body? I doubt it. Psychology behind temptation of entering into sexual intercourse shows a mix of various human needs. It is rooted in curiosity to touch and feel opposite sex body, domination need i.e. satisfying one's unconscious or subconscious ego or esteem needs. For girls, it could be the desire to connect and overcome electra complex as envisaged by Freud. They seek sex as insurance against future insecurities.

I do not know how much of this is applicable in the age of tinder or truly madly. One night stands have become integral features of cities of Gurgaon and Bangalore. No strings attached you see. And with group sex becoming so prevalent in the society, what sort of curiosity, domination, connection, status needs does it satisfy.

I always wondered if we can compare sex and hunger. Freud had said sex as instinctive need of human psyche. Some people construe it as physiological need of our well-being. But we can see celibates and spiritual beings around us. More happy than common and uncommon people around them. So definitely that is not the case.

Some view it as extension or expression of love or entertainment in the love. I wish to cover love here as well. But I am yet to understand this oft-said argument "being in love is the best feeling in the world". How can one say so without experiencing all the feelings of the universe. And some are mutually exclusive to love. For example staying alone and enjoying the silence or turbulence within. Feeling is such a subjective concept but this quote seems to have become universal. Whenever a celebrity enters into new relationship, this becomes a ritualistic media byte. Could it be a self suggestion strategy to convince ourselves that whatever time, money and mental energies we have invested were worthy? And then no body talks about the biggest pain when their sexual desires are satiated and they have grown bored of each other at physical, emotional and mental level and stands at the verge of break up.

Anyway, enough time invested. For me, even after so much writing, I am yet to find the right answers. But it helped me in clearing some mess.

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