Friday, August 16, 2019

Importance of discipline

Q. Why should I live a disciplined life?
  1. Fitness
  2. Managing multiple activities and multiple interest
  3. Physical training leading to mental training and vice versa
  4. To breed positive thinking
  5. Productive lifestyle-->positive thinking--> Resilient attitude
  6. The risk of not living a disciplined life are very high
  7. My ambitious attitude require me to live in disciplined manner
  8. Health and wealth perspective
  9. Basic attribute of a leader like life style
  10. You will not find a single person who is happy or content or leader in his walk of life without living a disciplined life
  11. It gives confidence and belief of ability to push my limits.
  12. It makes you less fearful.

Q. What kind of life I wish for myself?
  1. Active reading, writing and speaking
  2. My expertise in one domain
  3. Wish to work on high profile projects
  4. Meditation
  5. Excel in whatever I do
  6. A sense of achievement and fulfillment in life
  7. Helping every single person who approaches me in someway or other
  8. Making this world a better place to live
  9. Bring smile on face of people

Q. What is the importance of work achievement in my life?
  1. For most of your adult life and retired phase, your work is your identity
  2. Whenever you meet anyone, first thing they ask is What do you do? So whether you like it or not, we are defined by what we do, how do we contribute towards our community.

Q. How to maintain discipline in life?
  1. Remind its importance to yourself everyday.
  2. Meditate: meditation brings continuity in life. It gives free time, me time when one can sit and draw lessons from life, contemplate and reflect. Thus it helps in reminding us.
  3. Keep cheat days.
  4. Make friends who motivate you for the same.
  5. Feel the leader within you.
  6. Visualise the kind of body, mind and life you will develop with and without discipline.
  7. Minimise the regrets. Realise that how deep would be the regret if you fail to follow it.
  8. Most importantly:
  9. Fix your sleep time and wakeup time.
  10. Make sure good never become enemy of the best.
  11. Keep trying everyday.
  12. Make schedule. 
  13. It's ok to miss everyday but it is not ok to not draw the lesson from the failure.

Q. Why is it important to be a leader in life?
  1. To live as per call of your soul and mind and heart.
  2. To enlighten the path of others.
  3. To be involved and engrossed with yourself. 
  4. To help people who are not as fortunate as you are.
  5. And finally the noblest oblige and self actualization.
  6. Important thing is here leader does not mean a politician or person with mass appeal. Leadership here means doing the best where ever possible.

Q. Why is it important to set your life as example for others?
  1. It is not important.
  2. Be an example for yourself first.

Q. Why is it important to have a reflex of positivity and how is this related to discipline and schedule?
  1. See the happiness, calmness, love, affection and fearlessness in the behaviour of positive people.
  2. Always jolly, loving, trusting others around him. It takes away a lot of tension.
  3. Once you start living a disciplined life, it means you can control your mind a bit. So this control can help in shooing away your negative thoughts.
  4. For an ecosystem like India, negative thoughts and negativity is natural to occur. You mind generally gets conditioned to think negative. In such a situation, you discipline and spirituality help you in staying positive.

Q. Why is it important to develop a work attitude in life?
  1. An empty mind is devil's den. Therefore, keeping oneself busy with small goals, targets and activities is very important.

Q. How to develop a attitude of work orientation?
  1. Set small goals 
  2. Make schedule
  3. Follow meticulously
  4. Achieve goals
  5. Analyse, draw learnings, assess success and failures
  6. Celebrate the process
  7. You will develop liking for the same.

Q. Why is it important to maintain a dairy of pending and achieved task?
  1. It helps you in tracking your task progress and accordingly regulate your time.

Q. Why is it important to write daily journal and maintain a list of assignments?
  1. It helps in going back in time and revisit past experiences more clearly.
  2. It enhances your articulation.
  3. It captures your state of mind at that very moment.

Q. Why sports are necessary?
  1. Physical activity releases endorphins which are key to happiness.
  2. Sports give an element of entertainment.
  3. It helps you overcome your OCD behaviours.
  4. Sports is like meditation at times. You energy, thoughts remained focussed.

Q. Why dwelling deep within your soul is important?
That's the ultimate reality, source of all the good.
Expecting anything from anyone around you is foolish. Every action has some or other interest. Except mother's love, everything seems conditional.

So rather focus on your soul, connect with it. Roam in that world. It helps in soothing the mind, rejuvenate you from within, helps you overcome negativity and allows you to love unconditionally. It helps you understand the course of your destiny, gives you clarity of thoughts, and  calms your mind. It increases our acceptance of events in life. It makes us indifferent but at the same time more positive, loving, joyful and chilled out. In all it helps us in understanding the true nature of things around. It is Brahmacharya.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Improving public service in India

How to improve the operations at the public places like hospitals, Railways and other places.

1. The responsibility to improve the operations lie not on center, state or Panchayat. Instead, this is contingent on institutional leadership. Therefore, institutional chiefs need to work on devising steps for the behavioral dimension of it's customers and employees.

2. Technology: We need to deploy technological means to make this process convenient for the people. Beginning with online appointment for the hospitals, the technological solution must deploy full suit of technology for making life convenient for end users. To this end, it is necessary that we restrict the visitors accompanying the patient/traveller, barcode the people/documents, increase the number of staff members, increase the size of the public place, providing basic amenities to public as well as employees, put more signboards and self guided facility, more patient counters or rail announcement system, a working solution for the appointment systems at institutional as well as operation level etc.

3. Administration: The task of administration should be left to administrators who have received general training in dealing with these aspects rather than putting specialists on this job. The areas of hospital management, railway station management, crowd control techniques etc should be given proper attention.

4. We need to plan for things 15 years ahead of our time. It requires critical evaluation of current state of affair and huge investment for bringing futuristic solutions for solving current day problems.

5. The time management can be improved by employing artificial intelligence, data mining and other solutions. In addition, we should deploy Internet of Things, and Blockchain kind of things to make things work. For example, a patient could be informed about his real time of appointment with doctor as soon as he is over with registration. Similarly, IOT solutions could be deployed in tracking the movement of patients and their documents.

It is a painful sight at public places to see wastage of human, economic and social resources in a huge manner. We need to make the entire process of experiencing public services hassle free, predictive and transparent. New India should not have any place for any mismanagement of resources.

Sunday, August 11, 2019

Random blabber

Recently I happen to work alongside few younger mates and it proved to be a worthy experience. One of the noticeable thing about working with them was their methodical approach and focus on the conceptual understanding. So strong was their emphasis on the procedures and methods that it struck me like a hammer. As if it brought me out of my sleep or mediocrity or falling standards. I realised the importance of focussed effort, methods and procedures and reignited my believe of delivering the best.
Most importantly, all of this came as Deja Vu. These learnings were not new, it is just that lethargy and lack of novelty in my thought had shadowed them. That is why I believe it is important to keep the company of right kind of people in life.
Another observation was negativity in my thoughts. Off late, the negativity in my thoughts has spiked. Mainly it is triggered by confusion about what I wish from life and my tendency of singing the same song repetitively. Another trigger and manifestation of this negativity is lack of exercising and inability to follow a disciplined life. And indirectly, it emerged from my misplaced expectation from the ecosystem in which I live.
The only way to overcome this would be to meditate, to sit and work tight, as per a predefined plan. Self control and self absorb is the key to peace, happiness and optimism.
Another thought which struck me was spreading happiness. I thought that I should ensure that whoever comes in my contact, should walk out more happier.
Last 10 days were happening except for last few days. The JATF Udaipur visit was a unique experience but much novel was the experience of viral fever. First time in life I got infected with a fever which increased my temperature on 10 different occasions in short span of 5 days despite taking the medications. It was only 2 days back, I could recover fully and since then I have been wanting my time.
And so now you understand the motivation behind this blog. Hope to write more impersonal things unlike this note. Till then good bye.