Saturday, April 18, 2015

Rule of 21 and rule of 10000

A friend once told me that if I wish to make something activity as a habit of my daily routine then I should ensure that I do the activity for first 21 days. Thereafter it would automatically become part of your routine.

Similarly rule of 10000 says If you invest 10000 hours into some activity then you can develop masterly proficiency in the same.

Enough for now.. will write later

Missed post

It just happened. :)

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Gold Medal or world record

Ben Jhonson was once asked "What do you prefer, Gold Medal or World Record"?
He said Gold Medal coz no one can take it away.
He was proved wrong. His medal was taken back when he was tested positive in a dope test.

He argued famously "If you don't take it, You won't make it". Probably that was the order at that time.

There were some people including great Carl Lowis who were alleged to have taken stimulants but they were never caught and thus remained clean..
And then some were convicted unfairly. Time comes when people get judgemental and skeptical about you. But in such situations friends do not seek explanation and enemies don't take explanation. Thus trust is what drives the relationships and the world forward.

For me the answer would have been absolute world record becoz that wud get me gold medal anyway.

Good Night

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Thought of the day

Happiness is state of mind.

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Few days break

appeared for some mocks. Realised under preparation. So taking few days off to refresh my GS and current affair. Will start again soon.

Monday, April 13, 2015

The index list of "How to prepare series" articles

I always desired to compile my thoughts on various topics related to Civil Services Preparation. I compiled this list long back but somehow this got lost in the noise of other work. Now, time has come when I should start compiling my thoughts slowly but steadily. There are lot of memories. Initially I'll try to put scant immediate information without caring much for structure and other things. Once the material is collected then I would refine it.

One thing, I always wonder about Shashi Tharoor is "How did he write so many books?". He is such a busy person but still he write such bulky books. I wonder if they have large helping staff or people working under him. For writing so much, One should be reading as well in proportionate manner. Thus Tharoor is really commendable in this sense.

Anyway, I do not have much to write today. So just copy pasting the index of articles which I intend to write in next few days. Given that Interview is impending so I may miss the schedule but putting this index here would help me in reminding of the pending work.

Before all this one important article is also remaining i.e. on "Why Technology". I'll write that some time soon.

1. My experience of Civil Services
a. How to write a good answer?
i. Different model answers
b. Preparation tips for 1st/2nd/3rd/4th attempt guys
c. How to score good marks in Essay?
d. How to consolidate the information?
e. What are various memory techniques and how to catalogue information?
f. What are general tips on reading tactics/techniques?
g. What are the various ways to answer questions in subjects and General studies?
h. What are various sources which I should refer while preparing for General Studies?
i. How to prepare for CSAT?
j. How should I utilize my time immediately after the exam?
k. How to keep the momentum of study?
l. What is the ideal balance of fun-family-focus on civil?
m. What are various do’s and don’ts of group study?
n. How to prepare for Interview?
o. What should I do for hobby development?
p. Importance of Discussion in the preparation process?
q. How should one finish new reports/12th Five year plan/IYB/Survey/Budget
r. How to read Newspaper and pros and cons of notes making?
s. Frame of mind on the eve of prelims/mains/interview
t. Behavioral learning during the process and behavioral tips for preparation
u. Subject specific tips
v. Karma vs. Bhagya philosophy
w. Study table arrangements
x. Arrangement of books in the book rack
y. Role of technology
z. Cracking Civil Service with a Job in Hand
aa. Create objective while reading
bb. How to avoid negative answer in exam
cc. 5 point approach/stakeholder/critical point/summary/common sense technique
dd. How to start-end answer?
ee. Prelims vs. Mains orientation
ff. Newspaper Indexing
gg. 10 Common reforms
hh. Multi-dimensional perspective
ii. Quotation/Fact/12th plan/IYB
jj. Revision Rule
kk. How to read Magazines
ll. Indexing tricks
mm. Presentation-prelims/Main/Interview
nn. English Importance and Improvement
oo. Psyche of student – Illusion of Knowledge/Learning Outcome/Learning Strategy
pp. Consistency in newspaper Reading
qq. Rules of Group Discussion
rr. Importance of saying No in Civil Services
ss. Full day waste scenario: Phone calls/ No prior plan of the day/ No long sitting/ Not living in the present

2. Why should I prepare for civil services?
3. What is civil service all about?
4. Importance of failure in the civil services and how to convert it in success?
5. How is this book different from other books?
a. Examples
b. Pragmatic approach over theoretical concepts
c. Purely from experience and nothing text bookish
6. Additional
a. Quotes for essay
b. Mnemonics
c. Various chronology
d. Evolution
e. Important thinkers and their thoughts
f. Interesting facts/events to make the answer interesting
g. Anecdotes/Historical analogies
h. List of books and reference material which one should read/refer
i. Important statistics
j. List of conventions and landmark conferences

Two quotes before signing off...
"Branding is about 90% behavior and 10% communication"
"Logo of a company should be so simple that one could draw it in sand"

Good Night

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Civil Services Mains Result

I had a bad dream last night. Woke up late in the morning. Went to psychology lab class.
Later in the evening, I decided to visit Lal Mandir to meet honourable Nangmati Mataji.
She is Jain Saint, very pious and loving in nature. She gave me her blessings.

In the night, we started playing cricket on terrace. Suddenly results came. Somehow my 6th sense got activated. I checked my mobile randomly, and saw upsc result on the system. It was wonderful. Within 5 seconds, I checked my result. Over the years, I have got conditioned to "no matches" search result of pdf files. I was glad that this time it was not so.

The excitement is very measured. Its more tilted to the side of caution. I am thankful to god for providing me this opportunity of interview this time. This is my last try so glad that i have opportunity of taking this one last winning shot at goalpost.

Over the years my patience, character were tested by upsc. May god give me strength to tide over this final barrier. This phase is also equally difficult. Let us hope for the best and do our best. Amen

Saturday, April 11, 2015


I attended NITK alumni meet event "Elevator". Listening to Shashank N.D. of Practo, Ajit Pai from Delhivery and Sandesh C. from Chai-Point was very insightful.
The panel discussion was moving on opposite poles. Sandesh and Shashank had contrary advises to share. Shashank has good words of wisdom from his experience of building Practo. My thoughts were more aligned with ideas of Shashank.

He explained "entrepreneurship is like process of self purification". The ups and downs are true test of individual belief in what they are doing and process itself acts as touchstone of character. Many time one has to swallow his ego. Every day is faced with new set of challenges.
For him, the zeal of entrepreneurship came from the problem on which he was working. It was not money or fame or comfort. Instead the idea was to make life of people better. He derived his motivation from the problem itself thus he is able to build such a large organization in short span of time.

The most important thing in building a company is to "get the team right". If your internals are right then investors, money and other things will fall in place automatically.
His passion was infectious. For him, having a plan B means your plan A is dead. This was opposite to the idea of Sandesh from Chai-Point who considered that some basic floor is necessary and having plan B gives more confidence, risk taking ability and peace of mind to the person. Person understands worst case scenario and knows where to start again in the event of failure.

Shashank explained that joining a start up is like working on a accelerated MBA program. So its better to join a start up than pursue MBA. Other speakers also believed that MBA does not really matter. There is no right time for starting your own venture. Best time is to do it now. He mentioned "regret minimalisation framework" i.e. in life we should try to minimize our regrets. If there is something we wish to do, then do it now so that we won't accumulate regret of not doing it.

A company can create value by promoting its money generating power or through showcasing its vision. According to him, both are good but value or attraction created through vision is much more than monetary aspect. So his views were against the conventional wisdom that entrepreneurship is about money. Rightly so. For me as well, Entrepreneurship is about being enterprising, building something, creating something and taking self-motivated initiatives. I do not see entrepreneurship as money motive.

He talked about concept of VUPIM in dealing with dilemmas and taking quick decisions. V stands for vision, U for users, P for practoian (employees of his company), I for investors and M for me. This helps me in keeping the right focus and conduct the business in ethical manner. For him, If every one says your idea is good then probably your idea is not good. If 99% of the people laugh on your idea then you should go with that idea, picking your co-founder and employees from 1% who believe in you. Anyway, all the big changes and revolution in the world originates from small group settings. Hats off to him. keep going dude.

Other guys also chipped in with their words of wisdom. Sandesh talked about importance of grand vision and constantly working towards that. Ajit Pai from Delhivery said "difference between idea and business is execution. A successful execution is function of time and focus you put in that idea".

I have a habit of asking senior people about wisdom of their life. So I met two guys during dinner. I asked them to share their experience. One fellow told me "Life is Hard. Enjoy it." Other person was quite cryptic. He mentioned the inevitability of organizational politics as his learning. I could not decipher much but just kept smiling.

We had good fun talk with a fellow from Booth School. A 1988 batch guy was lean built but very humble and modest. He was quite amiable and discussed good memories and traditions of NITK. I feel NITK is class apart from all the other schools of India in terms of overall extra curricular and co-curricular activities. Though we have not marketted ourselves well but 3 names in top 30 under 30 on forbes magazine is testimony to this. A college with private beach, party politics, pan India look, extensive club culture and very enlightened crowd is rare in the world.

The booth fellow (Himashu Sahu) was a hardcore capitalist. He explained me typical money oriented consumer behaviour. I tend to disagree with him and we had good laughing moments together. Some other fellows were Santanu Bishwas, Pankaj Agrawal, RajKamal, Jaswinder and Harpreet. I pitched my idea of "connect" to all these people. All of them were excited and happy about it. Pankaj Sir were looking forward to communication over idea of Connect, so this is due on me.

People explained power of network and i realised the same. In last few years, I have built good network of civil services aspirants but unfortunately all my tech connections are lost. Some times i feel disappointed about this. But it is just matter of few months. I am sure, I'll pick up in no time.

Day was very happening otherwise as well. But not in the mood to write about other events of the day. Tomorrow again a very hectic day.
Good Night.

Friday, April 10, 2015

Transport conundrum

For five mins, I was thinking whether I should write a long blog today or not. It was already late in the night and I had a tiring day. But then quality can not be compromised for long so I decided that something substantive should come out.

I visited one of the highly regarded pilgrimage tourist destination of Jains, Tijara Ji for some familial purpose. The day was happening, I met Arun (My distant relative) after 13 long years. The worth mentioning part was the return journey. It took me 2:30 hours to cross some 30 km stretch connecting Gurgaon and Delhi. I was really sad to see the sorry state of traffic and transport affairs. Loads amount of fuel was being wasted due to slow speed of traffic. The air was filled with vehicular smoke. It was difficult for people like me who step out relatively infrequently to breath properly. I noticed nearly 300 small vehicles passed by the bus in which I was travelling. Nearly 70% of them had occupancy of 2 or less than two. Nearly 90% had their windows glasses up. I presume they would be using air conditioning.

I am perplexed that why people are not able to comprehend the social impact of their individual actions and social goods of their life style changes. The highway is wide enough to occupy at least 4 lanes of vehicles on each side but still the exponential growth in the traffic has made it ineffective. For the sake of flexibility of schedule, independence and show off People prefer private vehicle over public transport. Most of the executive class make their own environment conducive to health by switching on AC but they forget that cumulative impact of their individual practices worsens the overall atmosphere and directly impact the health and well being of people who prefer to use public transport or are forced to use public transport.

The slow speed of traffic kills productive working hours, burns extra fuel, vitiates the environment, impact health and well being leading to lung cancer, increase pollution and deteriorate the living standards. On the other hand, if some of us are able to make basic life style changes of using public transport once a week or car pooling or replacing cab culture with bus culture then a large part of problem could be solved. However, the shift to life style changes won't happen automatically. Rather Government needs to play a facilitating role.

Firstly, Government needs to spruce their public transport system. We can not advocate the alternative of public transport without having a robust system in place first. For this,Metro rail project should be expedited. The mechanism of rapid transit system needs to be developed such that Bus rail road water or any other mode of transport are integrated in seamless manner so as to make the user experience of travel cheap and convenient. We can replicate Ahemedabad model of Bus rapid transit system. The system has failed in Indore but that is no basis of why it won't work in Gurgaon. Just imagine, what could happen to a person who fall ill in such traffic situation? There was no way to deal with such emergency so that person can come out of the traffic.
Secondly, A regulatory and enforceable framework is necessary for making life livable in such situation. The traffic rules related to lanes should be enforced strictly. The regulatory implementation is also necessary. On basis of such regulatory decisions, We can increase or decrease the number of coaches in Metro rail or increase number of buses or other public transport on roads.
Thirdly, A greater emphasis should be placed on traffic profiling and consequent planning of traffic and road development. India is in the stage of expansion. The land is limited, population and vehicle are increasing exponentially thus we need to use technology in provide real time information on traffic and regulating it accordingly. Electronic toll booth could be one example of effective use of technology in this regard. Further scientific innovations like low altitude flying cars or Chinese Bus cum rail service could be useful to us. We need some policy research on the appropriate length of traffic signal or traffic directions on particular roads.
Fourthly, In Indian context, no solution of road traffic management could be solved by entirely government or technological intervention. We can not borrow western prescription and blindly paste them in Indian context. Indian social milieu is way different from the western individualistic culture oriented developed country. To deal with such situation, we need to think of Indian solution to Indian problems. One part of any Indian problem is associated with lifestyle changes. For example, incentivise car pooling or promoting MNC's to use buses instead of cabs for providing conveyance to employees. Different companies or offices can have different opening or closing timings so that peaks of traffic could be moderated. Once a month Work from home culture or Video conferencing to facilitate work from remote location could be pursued. The approach of limiting number of cars per family or mandatory car pooling or auctioning car number plates or restricting the entry of even number/odd number car on to roads on certain days may seem to go against democracy but in public interest, these are viable and much needed options that should be seriously enforced.

There is lot more to write but will write some other time. I should also try to shape my blogs as newspaper articles, so that I can send it to editors. But anyway, enough for now.

We also had a very good discussion on whether Gita should be taught in schools or not. Will write on that later. Running short of time. Daily. Bad

Good night

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Waiting for the Result

Today was not very happening. There was speculation since morning that result could be declared today. Usually every year, MY friends pass me some crucial information before the result declarations. So most of the friends in JITO put high faith in my source of information.

However, today the credibility stands eroded. Finally UPSC did not declare result even today. Apart from that not much happened on my end. It was just a routine day except one pitfall that I slept in the afternoon again and could not read newspaper.

I need to seriously think about newspaper thing. Instead of wasting time on masala TOI news, I should read relevant news from paper or online.
So today, I should take this pledge that I would be reading newspaper come what may. Notes making or no notes is irrelevant. Fast or slow is immaterial but I would dedicate at least one hour of the day to newspaper..

Good night for now.

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Meeting with Shri Marsons Ji

Yesterday I met Shri Swaroop chand Marsons ji. I asked him about three learnings of life.
He beautifully summarized them as following:

1:Create your own avenues. You don't need to follow other people.
2:Never give up. When Ur mind and heart both gives up then ask yourself where is my purusharth?
3:Don't take people for granted. Listen to everyone and do as you think is right. Stand with your conviction

Few words about him: He is eminent social worker, Jain businessman, kind hearted philanthropist and self made person. He is role model of my Father. So i have grown up listening about his stories and great deeds.

It was nice interacting with him.
One more thing I realised in the process of making some activity as habit or matter of daily routine, "The desire of doing best should not become enemy of doing good". It means I dnt have to be perfectionist. If some day I dnt feel like exercising for 1 hour or running 3 rounds then doesn't mean I should give up. Just reduce the intensity but do it on a consistent basis.

Consistency is bigger motivation than quality. Even the tortoise and hare story tell us d same thing... OMG unknowingly i applied that wisdom in my routine. Now i realise it. Phewww.. wunderbar

neway good night..

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

visiting home

Nothing much to write. Visiting home so no work done. Glad to finish my passport verification job.

Got blessing of some jain saints. Now going to sleep
Need to wake up early. Have a train to catch..

Good night.. will compensate tomorrow. :)

Monday, April 6, 2015

Swachch Bharat and EvalServ

I happen to meet my old friend yesterday. He works for EvalServ. He told me about the work culture of the company.
Its like open benches not even cubical. I dislike this kind of work settings. Of all the three options room, cubicle and open benches, I consider Cubicles are best.
It is sort of middle path. Firstly You do not have to face some one else face all the time. Secondly, It gives much needed minimum privacy at work settings. Thirdly, Presence of others in the same cubicle has motivating influence as well as professional work pressure.

He told me about the culture of insensitivity and poor professionalism at EvalServ. I could see all the principles of psychology in operation in his case. I would make him my case study on the project of Organizational Psychology.

Brief description of his case: He is little emotional guy but very nice human being and very caring, loving and spiritual person. Due to his introvert nature and work pressure, he could not mingle well with the people at EvalServ. There was a generational gap and cultural change for him. EvalServ is typical northies culture where people discuss sutta, daru and ladki for fun. This boy comes from a well cultured, well etiquette Maharashtrian family.

Due to tight work setting, employees are not able to draw much fun and thus as a new comer, he became the victim of all the gossips and fun talks in the company. His unprofessional and low EQ manager shared all his personal informations, poems, chats on WhatsApp group. He became the talking point of discussion in the company. Whatever he used to do or say was shared in the whole network on whatsapp. Look at the negative side of social media platforms. People who did not even know him first hand started chatting about him. The young generation girls who have learned about women empowerment but probably forgot to read about social etiquettes also started commenting on him in cafeteria or job settings.
The boy was literally isolated and ostracized. Some took him as gay, others took him as emotional fool.

There is a saying, when bad times come, It doesn't just rain, It pours. His poems were passed onto WhatsApp. His every move was tracked by some one or other in the company and discussed on the whatsApp group.

Anyway, I saw specific application of psychology here. First is Group thinking. I am sure not every one in the EvalServ would be so unprofessional or emotionally insensitive. At the least some one or two people must be there who could take other perspective. But the pressure of conformity is very hard to resist. Asch conformity experiment proves this. I showed him the video to explain the other side behaviour.
Second was social loafing. I see this as influence of open desk culture where employees just sit in a row facing each other. In such situations, employees are constantly under social vigil so social loafing is not possible. But Taylor et al showed in their experiment that Social Loafing is not necessarily bad. It increases work productivity. In this case, because scope for loafing was less, people were looking for some target or topic of discussion and this boy became scapegoat.
Thirdly, failure of Human resource team to spot such trend in the organization. Lack of psychological counselling in the teams. Many time the young kids are promoted to higher position based on their IQ. Our educational success is also largely determined by IQ and not EQ. However, success on the job is 80% EQ and only 20% IQ. Team work is not every ones cup of tea and professional maturity doesn't come automatically. Some people (in this case his Manager and other colleagues and he himself) are crippled in keeping personal and professional as two separate things.

The boy behavior also exhibited certain traits. He was more indirect in talks. I have seen that over emotional people are some times more indirect in their conversation. They dig hole for themselves. Because of indirectness and ambiguity in their talks, they leave scope for misinterpretation thus further emotionally brutalized. The vicious cycle continues.
He was suspicious of all the people around him in his work settings. Primarily, because every single person shared his conversation on whats App group and secondly many of them turned their back on him. When so many people track a person's social physical movements and draw fun out of it then introvert person tend to loose confidence in their behaviour like what to say or what to not, how to portray his social side or how to break ice in the relations.

Anyway, I am no professional psychologist. I suggested him to be assertive and direct in his talks. Meditate. I was surprised that one time staunch follower of Vipasana forgot all the basics. Over the years, I have learned that happiness is an art. I keep telling this to my other family members. Today I am job less. Future is uncertain. Despite having all the qualifications, I am directionless but at least, I am happy. I am carefree and i am proud of my past and present.

Some one has rightly said: If you can not be happy in the present moment, You can never be happy in the future as well.

To the employees of EvalServ, only one word comes to my mind: pity. I hope better sense and sanity prevails. There is not much difference between good and bad boy. Line is subtle and we need to constantly guard those possibilities.

I appreciate his CEO Ashish Gupta and AVP for lending him support. Things seem to have more forward in better direction but the damage done is irreparable.

Anyway, enough for this topic. Today was highly in-disciplined. I woke up late so missed my train as well as the morning exercise schedule. Afternoon I read book Zero to One. The book is going good. The evening discussion on net neutrality and other topics was as usual enthralling.

One serious trend is: I am not able to read newspaper thoroughly now days. There are some incomplete tasks as well. I need to guard against these trends and become a good finisher like Dhoni.

On Swachcha Bharat: My suggestion to Modi uncle would be to make it mandatory for all business shops, vendors, thele wale or households to install a dustbin in front of their shop/house/thela. The person or entity concerned could be held responsible for maintenance and vigilance of the dustbin. This way we can tackle the fear of bombs in dustbins.
It would make Swachcha Bharat a collective responsibility. This would clean the whole country at very fast rate. I remember, I searched for the dustbin in the market for 15 minutes and finally had to dump the wrapper on the roadside.

Throwing waste on the road is not a habit of Indian population. Rather, it is our compulsion in the absence of dustbin. If government install dustbin then it would be financially nonviable and problematic. Moreover, fear of bomb or stealing would remain.

Given the size of India, any top down approach has as much chances of failure as the chances of success of bottom up approach. Moreover such things can make our society more sensitive, participative.

Will write a formal letter to state and central government on this.
Another thing, I need to reduce the length on my blog as well. It is only a fun activity. It should not consume more than 20-25 mins of the day.

Good night..

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Inspection Team Findings at Delhi Public Library

The listed findings are based on the inspection of Delhi Public Library located at D.B. Gupta Road conducted by AAP Karol Bagh constituency field team. The collated information is based on the interviews of staff members, library readers and general observation of AAP team. Team has also contemplated possible solutions to different problems. The report is divided into 4 sections –

Section 1 - General information about the Library
Section 2 - Problems in the library
Section 3 - Detailed solutions
Section 4 – Conclusion and future course of action.

Section 1: General Information

The Delhi Public Library at D.B. Gupta Road acts as a branch library cum north zonal office of Delhi Public Library. It controls all the sub-branches, R.C. libraries, community libraries located in North Delhi region. The C-block Community Center library on New Rohtak Road also falls under its jurisdiction. Sub branches at Narela, Bawana, Mundka, Sangam Park etc. also falls under its jurisdiction.
The Library is operating from a rented premise with address 5/56 D.B. Gupta Road, Karol Bagh, New Delhi since year 1963. Library has nearly 80,000 books. It has membership of approximately 25,800 people. The membership fee is Rs. 20 for five years duration. Library promises to provide efficient internet facility. It also provides few DVD/CDs.

Section 2: Observation of Inspection Team

The issues identified are as following:

Legal Issues
Library authorities cannot take up the renovation and maintenance work on their own. Ideally landowner is supposed to fulfill this responsibility or the library authorities need to obtain permission from landowner.
Building Maintenance Issues:
The landowner is not inclined to invest in the infrastructural renovation of the building. Thus building is in dilapidated state. Most of the walls are seeping with water and all the water outlets of first floor are closed. This poses a huge risk of building collapse which may result in physical as well economic losses.
The paint is peeling off plastered walls. At some places even the plaster is peeling off. The walls are dirty and highly unaesthetic. This vitiates the whole atmosphere of the library.
The entrance of the building is deluged with water blockage. The passage from the entry point of premises to entry point of the building is muddy. During rain, the passage turns slippery and mucky. This poses a huge accidental risk to many elderly people who visit the library.
Amenities Issues:
The Library does not have a toilet room facility. This creates problem for visitors who want to sit for longer duration in the library.
The Library does not have a functioning water cooler facility. In the peak summer, It would be unbearable for staff and members to sit in the library without having access to cold water.
The Library does not have proper air conditioning or cooling facility. All the coolers are lying wasted or dysfunctional.
The Library does not have properly maintained computer access room. Of the 6 computers placed in Computer room, 5 are not functioning. Only a single machine is functioning thus creating hurdle in smooth access to information. Due to this, a user cannot use the internet for more than 30 minutes. Given the slow speed of internet and large membership of Library, such facility loses its relevance.
The computer room is full of dirt and not provided with air-conditioning facility. Even a cooler is not installed in the room. This results in frequent breakdown of computer machines.
Area issues
The library is operating from a four room apartment at ground floor. Thus there is not enough space for managing present capacity of 80000 books. This results in poor upkeep of books.
The reading area is very small. It can hardly accommodate more than 10 people at a time. For a library with membership of approx. 26000 people, sitting space of 10 persons is very less. This precisely indicates the cause behind the declining enthusiasm for library culture in the country.
The Landowner wants the library authorities to vacate the premises. Thus he is not willing to grant extra space to government.
Book Maintenance issues
A large number of books (nearly 1000) are received every month. The lack of space, seeping walls, dirty atmosphere results in poor maintenance. The books in the upper stacks are rarely touched thus often found covered in dirt and filth. Due to water seepage, many books are damaged.
Every month, certain numbers of books are phased out from library to create space for new set of books. The library staff has a poor policy of selling phased out books to garbage collector. This leads to wastage of precious knowledge resources.
Due to lack of space, books remain lying in the office in packaged form instead of being arranged in the stacks or book racks.
The labeling and cataloguing of books was not up to the mark. The sign chits on book racks were not renewed for long time.
Infrastructural Issues
The library is not differently-abled person friendly. Even a normal person would find it tough to enter in the library on rainy days.
The furniture is limited and unaesthetic from study purpose.
The building has high chances of collapse. This can lead to a major accident any time. As per our information, the blockage of water on the first floor, non-renovation, poor upkeep is intentionally done by the land owner.
Timing Issues
The library is hardly open for 7 hours on daily basis. It opens at 12:30 noon and closes by 6:45 PM in evening. Thus the access window for a working common man is very limited.

Section 3: Suggestions

The solution to each issue requires simultaneous effort in administrative, legal and financial domain.

Legal Steps

For a permanent solution to the problem, government should resolve the conflict with land owner. We need to follow two-pronged approach.
Firstly, send him notice for the renovation of the building. Either the landowner should himself take the initiative or he should pass the renovation rights to library authorities so that any imminent threat to life and property could be avoided.

Secondly, renegotiate the rent of the building.

Financial Steps

The finances could be arranged from -

State Government: The subject of Libraries falls under state list thus state government is duty bound to disburse certain sum of money for the upkeep of library.

Central Government: The subject of education is concurrent. Thus, we can request funds from the central government ministry of human resource development as well as ministry of culture under which Delhi Public Library falls.

MPLAD and MLALAD: If schools are temple of education then Libraries are the banks of education. Thus respective area MP and MLA should contribute certain sum of money for the upkeep of library.

Public funding: options like public donation for the upkeep need to be evaluated within framework of law.

Administrative steps

The higher library authorities need to be informed about the pathetic state of affairs. Authorities should be asked to streamline various quality assessments and monitoring procedure by forming inspection committee consisting of active readers.

Certain innovative solutions need to be adopted for phasing out of books. For example, books could be auctioned to general public or distributed for free in the school or colleges instead of given to garbage collectors.

Out of Box solutions

Instead of investing huge sum of money on legal proceeding and maintenance, government can build new library from scratch.
Government can enter in the agreement framework or contract with landowner, where landowner is allowed to pursue his developmental plan over the land but once the new infrastructure on the whole piece of land is constructed then he should allocate certain share of floor space for the purpose of library. Such floor space area should be easily accessible to all sections of people including differently abled, children, and elderly. It should be safe and at least double the current size of rented premises.
Government can alternatively look for new space for library. If money is not an issue then an underground library below the Ajmal Khan Park could be built from scratch.
Government can also rent space lying waste alongside from railways. However such spaces need to be fit with sound proof glasses.
Government can take one floor from the existing infrastructure of Tibbia College. Government could construct the infrastructure on their own cost.
Government can distribute the books to different schools in the constituency. Each school can allocate one room for storage and another for reading room facility. The catalogue of the book can be managed online. Person can check the availability of the book at home and then go to corresponding location to fetch the book.

Section 4: Conclusion and Future course of action

The issues identified were administrative, financial and legal in nature. While administrative and financial issues could be taken care with contribution from central and state government but legal issues require the jurisdiction of court.
With the help of these legal, administrative, financial and out of box solution, we recommend the following actions should be taken at the earliest:
Build a toilet facility in the premises
Install air conditioner or cooler equipment in the library
Distribute the phase out or obsolete books to students for free
Increase the area of Library
Increase the sitting space capacity of Library to around 100 people
Install air condition in the computer room.
Repair all the computer machines and maintain them on a regular basis
Create a grievance reporting and redressal mechanism in the Library
Build a concrete pavement from building premises entry to entrance of library
Resolve the problem of water blockage
Repaint the whole building
Increase the aesthetic sense of the building
Replace the outdated furniture of the building
Make the building accessible to differently-abled population
Revise and update the labelling and cataloguing of the books in the book rack
Resolve the legal conflict related to the building maintenance rights

If schools are temple of education then libraries are banks of education. Thus government needs to give appropriate attention to the upliftment of library culture in the society

Saturday, April 4, 2015

How to prepare for Civil Services Exam

Before hopping on to the main topic, a few things about day’s events.

I went to inspect Delhi public library in the afternoon with my AAP colleagues. We were shocked to see the dilapidated state of affairs in the library. Library provides a 5 year membership for 20 Rs. only. A small 4 room library had almost 80K books. I was amazed to see the variety and richness of the text. The book racks on both sides of passageway were pulling me magnetically. For some time I felt like staying back in the library and eat all the books placed there. Now Chandna Ji has asked me to prepare a short report on inspection finding. Reading habit is the best refuge in the old age. It opens our thought process and widens our horizons. Especially learning a foreign language opens a whole new culture and civilization to us. Book reading helps in killing the boredom and loneliness of old age provided your eyes remain well functioning by then.

I spent rest of the afternoon in setting my workstation. Typing HTML code after long time and setting up perforce to sync my system with rest of the team reminded me of my days in Citrix. A sense of nostalgia griped me for initial few seconds. A lot of things need to be done on this end.

For past few days, I am starting with some activity then leaving it pending midway. I need to be careful of this habit because leaving halfway leads to feeling of anxiety and guilt (Ziegarnick effect). It does not give a sense of fulfillment. So I need to devote more time to finish the 7 things which are left midway.

Coming to the topic, I had planned in January to compile my experience of Civils preparation. In last 4 years, the focal point of the exam has changed drastically. The paper of UPSC is like Indian Monsoon in recent years. No one can predict the pattern and style of questions. The exam process has become very dynamic. Thus it has become the real test of Individual wit, intelligence, risk taking ability, aptitude, attitude, knowledge, and writing, reading and speaking abilities. Rightly so, it is called mother of all examinations in the country. A candidate faces severe information overload from online and offline sources. Places like Rajinder Nagar in Delhi seem like fair market of UPSC aspirants. The length and breadth of the syllabus is so daunting that many candidates gives up even before reaching their prelims stage. The market is proliferated with bogus coaching institutions. Most of the teachers belong to era of early 2000’s or earlier. Thus they do not understand the true challenges that a new student faces. Most of the time, they end up misguiding or ill-counsel student. The nature, type, source and scope of questions have changed. Existing institutions does not know the real practical difficulties which a student faces in the process because they have never appeared or given the exam in current format.

Earlier it was a knowledge based exam. Now it is application oriented exam. Earlier one who had skills to slog and mug could be assured of his selection but now exam is more analytical. It requires smart preparation. Earlier offline material and coaching material was only source. Now online materials have flooded the smart phones. Earlier selective preparation could have ensured selection. But now it needs a comprehensive preparation and holistic understanding of whole India and the world. Earlier it was an optional centric paper but now it is general studies centric paper. The mention of syllabus is enough in itself to deter non-serious candidates. It covers topics from Indian history including ancient, medieval, modern and post-modern with extra emphasis on culture and diversity, world history, psychology, sociology, public administration, geography, polity, economics, science and technology, international relations, ethics, philosophy etc. The 12th plan document, economic survey, government reports, magazines like World Focus, EPW, Yojana, Rajya Sabha/Lok Sabha debates are few important sources of information. And mind you, I am only mentioning the tip of the ice berg. The ranges of topics are as diversified as the Indian and world demographic milieu.

In such a challenging setup, there is no one compiled one point source of information which can help new aspirants in dealing with all the challenges. Thus I intend to write all the practical tips, tricks and challenges I faced during my phase of preparation through this blog. I have framed around 10-20 basic questions and I would write my experience on those issues through this blog. Some information may be available on forums like InsightsonIndia or ForumIAS or Mrunal but advantage here is all the information would be coming from one person’s experience. All of it is authentic, picked up from my diary entries and practical “how to do style” in nature. Over the years, I struggled with my concentration capacity, my sittings, sleeping habits. The blog will describe my thought process and actions in overcoming those problems. I wish I do some justice with the questions. Most of the information is recall based so it may not be 110% correct. Most of the time perception of difficulty level of hurdles and challenges change once we overcome them. I would try my best to guard against those distortions.

There is no one way to crack the civil services exam. Every selection is a story in itself. Getting into civil services is no less than winning an Olympic medal. It requires persistent hard work, and extraordinary dedication. Even in the least case, person should be able to put 12 hours for an entire 12 month period apart from basic skill set of good analytical skills, English abilities and personality characteristics. These skills do not come overnight. Thus, the effort is nearly equal to winning an Olympic gold medal or doing a PHD. And in most of the cases, it is more than that. People may find it hyperbole but try asking some honest civil services aspirant. He would concur with my thought.
These blogs are not holy bible of cracking Civil Services preparation. They are directive in nature. Most of the time, a successful candidate devise their own strategy to crack the exam. Just like Indian Monsoon has not repeated a pattern in last 150 years, UPSC paper is equally unpredictable. Thus a Candidate needs to take risk, think smart, and be choosy and confident during the preparation.

Anyway, I would address one question each day. I would keep my experience description brief and short. However, I cannot discount the possibility of mid-course correction. In between, I may be posting some other pending things. For instance, report on Library, Shiksha Sindhu magazine material or Swachcha Bharat article.

Good night for now. Tomorrow is very busy day and so is the remaining night.

Friday, April 3, 2015

Why should one prepare for Civil Services Examination

Ayn Rand described Teachers, Scientists, Technology inventors as the chief drivers of human progress. Being an anarchist who believed in stateless society and considered state as evil, She justifiably missed or ignored bureaucrats from the system. For a developed country or civilized educated society, bureaucracy takes a back seat. In such places, most of the processes are automated and streamlined, institutions are matured thus bureaucracy focuses on status quo. The scope for radical change is little. However, In a country like India which has nascent post-independent history, Bureaucracy occupies central role in nation building i.e. Institutional setup, systemic processes, social progress etc.

A bureaucrate occupies a central position in the systemic framework. He acts as a conduit between social scientist, economist, scientist, technologist, and common man. A Civil Servant identifies the basic problems of human life. He co-ordinates with social scientist who studies the social processes and social behaviors. Social Scientist identifies social issues in his research and possible solutions to such problem. Civil Servant takes this research and redefine it in generalist language. Scientist does some hard core basic sciences research. Technology guy uses this derived knowledge to develop a user-facing product. Civil Servants approaches the technology guy and ask him to design a solution as pointed by the social scientist. He approaches the economist to inquire about the right pricing and build the systemic framework to deliver the solution to the end-user. Thus he plays pivotal role in social progress by way of problem identification, allocation of resources, co-ordination among different players and ultimately building administrative framework for appropriate service/solution delivery.

Many of us watch television and keep abusing the system and government for the poor quality of life and all the problems. Many of us would probably win ‘A’ grade certification in cynicism but hardly few of us take the pain to think constructively and seek for the solution to fix the fault lines existing in the system. However such emotion focused fault finding and blame game style of citizenry is not the solution for a better tomorrow. History is witness to the fact that to move a country from developing to developed category, an entire generation or two has to work in a selfless, tireless manner.

Ours is a country where nationalism and patriotism are defined from a very narrow sense of the term. If a person stands at any corner of the street and starts shouting ‘Inquilab Jindabad or Bharat Mata ki Jai’, he’ll invariably find few more voices of support full of joy and patriotism. But excitement generally ends there. The word does not convert into action. The clichés like ‘Is desh ka kuch nahi ho sakta’ or ‘chalta hai’ or ‘system kharab hai’ are oft-heard and oft-repeated to the extent that many of us internalize and start believing that nothing could be done to improve the social, economic or political landscape of the country.

The most central way to actively participate in the functioning of the government and bring systemic change is Politics. Politics is art of reconciliation. In this a person or a group of person with their intellectual prowess, inspiring personality or ideological thinking tries to bring harmony and synchronization among the various sections of the society. However, the entry barrier into politics is really high for a common man. The use of muscle and money power and neck-deep corruption has made politics as most abhorred service in India. In this context, Civil Services examination presents a most viable and achievable alternative of politics to an ambitious, hardworking and meritorious youngster to make India a better place to live.

Civil Services examination is considered as Mother of All examination and rightly so as it is a complete test of knowledge, personality, wit, patience, honesty, and attitudinal strength. The charm and scope of civil services is not so obvious to many of us but the magnificent work done by certain IAS and IPS officer shows the possible impact that an honest, sincere individual can make in the society. A very small step by an honest officer can change the social-economic landscape of the region.

Armstrong Pame is one such officer who has used the social influence of post of IAS officer to good ends. Armstrong Pame is a 2009 batch Indian Administrative Officer and the first from the Zeme tribe of Nagaland. While serving as IAS officer, Pame realized a sad fact that most of the villagers in his region are not well connected with rest of the India. Thus north-eastern people are often considered as outsider by rest of the Indians. He considered a motorable road as the first step towards development of any region. Thus he envisioned a people’s road project and started collecting fund from social media. He donated his salary and his parents’ salary to this fund. He called for the meeting of villager and asked them to offer their labor for the road project. In no time, He has built a 100 km long road in a remote part of the hill state without government help. Just imagine how the life of a common man would have improved as a result of a motorable road. A farmer can reach to the market. A villager can reach to the hospital in lesser time in situation of emergency and most importantly, people from rest of the India can explore the place with ease.

Moral of story: Civil Servants Job provides necessary legal authority to implement government policies. But more importantly, it provides necessary social and political force to your personality which could be crucial in mobilizing resources. Such an access to the government or non-government resources is extremely difficult for Non-government organizations or social crusaders. People won’t repose their trust so easily and many times social activist would have to fight against the system. And Mind it; Pame is only 28 years old.

Another example of what a civil servant can do is evident in the story of Shivdeep Waman Lande. If Patna was considered a city of goons, burglars and eve-teaser then he could be called its Batman or Spiderman. As S.P. Patna, his phone number became a 24*7 help line number for college going girls. He used to receive 400 calls and 300 messages from girls who were troubled by eve-teasing. He responded to each one of them and became a hero for saving women from molestation and assaults by eve teasers and goons. He raided illegal wine shops and made sure the business of spurious drugs slip into hibernation during his tenure. His popular appeal can be gauged from the fact that when his transfer orders came, a large number of Patnawasi conducted a candle light march. He also contributes 70% of his salary for the good cause of mass marriages and poor women education scholarship.

Moral of the story: We can either crib all the time with clichés like ‘Kuch nahi ho sakta’ or we can become like Lande and create a real social attitudinal change in the society by appropriately using our authority. There is no other job where at age of 27 or 28 one can become the chief of whole law and order arrangement for entire population of 5 to 6 million people.

As an IAS one has the opportunity to work in various roles. In the 30 to 35 years of career, people have steepest career curve from a Block development officer to sub divisional magistrate (S.D.M.) to A.D.M to D.M. The progression does not stop here. Once the officer moves on to secretariat level, excitement does not simply ends rather the task become more challenging and enthralling. The career progresses from under-secretary to divisional-director to joint-secretary, additional- secretary and finally secretary. The period is interlaced with various central government tenure, study leaves and foreign tours. IAS officers are deputed on reputed international assignments. One gets to work education, health, law and order, revenue, culture, rural or urban development and variety of other work domains. Compare this with a routine IT job where the learning curve generally reaches a plateau stage after year and half. For more exciting projects, it may span over 3 to 4 year but soon you would hit a glass ceiling. At this point either people run for MBA or other post graduate degree or settle into routine life style. The job of IAS provide lot of flexibility while as IT professional one has to work enormously as company tend to squeeze every bit of sweat and blood of your body.

Moral of the story: There is no job comparable to Civil Services which provide such a diverse job profile, challenging opportunity and steep learning curve that an interested person can never be bored.

Even at the secretariat or off the field job the impact of your job could be enormous. The work of Ashok Khemka IAS Haryana cadre officer discovered a land scam in Robert Vadra Case. The Mining scam in Karnataka was unearthed by GM Belagali and Sibichen K Mathew, both IRS officers. The fabulous work by IAAS officers under the leadership of IAS Vinod Rai (Ex-CAG) led to exposure of 2G scam and coal mining scam.

Moral of the story: Even the allied job in civil services provides ample opportunity for an honest person to bring some change or set some good precedents in the system. One may ridicule them as mere clerical job with low salary and overwork but in reality your professional, social circle changes and a small inquiry can stop bring corruption scandals.
If we talk in terms of maslownian cycle then a civil services job will fulfill all of your needs like biological, security needs, social needs, self-esteem needs and self actualization need. Though the sense of self actualization and esteem is subjective in nature but on the whole, civil services job provides enough avenues that may help in achieving these objectives. The job of IAS/IPS/IRS bestows great responsibility along with enormous power or authority. The social recognition and ‘My Baap culture’ in India help in satisfying the social needs. For anyone who loves the administration job or wishes to play a pivotal role in the system, the pursuit of civil services is logical next step to an acclaimed career at age of 20-something.

However, there is a rough side of the job with which one must be aware. Firstly, nearly every bright student think of becoming IAS officer in India thus competition is really high. Nearly 10 lakh students fight for those 80 odd seats thus chance factor has its role to play. Secondly, the job is not monetarily fulfilling. For an honest officer, entertaining one guest per month would lead to tight financial situation. Mr. U. Sagayam from Tamilnadu- well-known as the former Collector of Madurai was the first IAS officer to declare his assets public. During his declaration, his assets were a house worth Rs.9 lakh and a bank balance of Rs.7172. When his daughter was ill, he did not have Rs 5,000 needed for admitting her to a private hospital. The service demands a nameless, faceless and selfless devotion to the cause of betterment of India. All the good credits fall to the quota of fellow politician while any wrongdoing is attributed to ill foresight of officer class. Thus many time victimization, punishment posting, political pressure are routine affair. But at the end of the day, an honest officer is always recognized and has the potential of converting a punishment posting into a paradise. .The maximum a dishonest politician can do to an honest officer is transfer. That is why it is said that civil servant should prepare himself for two eventualities one transfer and retirement.

Moral of the story: Though Civil Services job is quite fulfilling but it is no cake walk. Job is as difficult as the admission procedure. However the difficulty, diversity and selfless nature of job make it all the more exciting and challenging. That’s where the real sense of actualization begins. It demands the best out of you and tests your real abilities.

The present day India is like a start-up company. The institutions have not fully matured. The social political and economic landscape is very dynamic. Each day, month and year presents a new set of challenges to our existence. Job of as IAS in the capacity of DM is like a chief engineer of a start up. Thus there is quick recognition for the good work.
India is famously called the nation of shortages. Be it decreasing water resources or increasing demands for electricity, health deficit or educational deficit prevailing in the country, except our huge population we are lagging behind on every parameter which is needed to run a company of a scale of a country in a successful manner. However such a huge population base could be a drag or it could be our blessing in disguise. We need to provide skills to our workforce and deploy them in various capacities. Among all such job profiles, the job of IAS officer takes the central role. An IAS officer is like a managerial leader who co-ordinates among various social, political and economic pressure groups and ensure the smooth functioning of the system.

A small action like making rain water harvesting compulsory can solve the water problems of million household. Setting up Rain-Basera or installing drinking water Pyauu can save many people from dying due to extremes of winter or summers. A pro-active disaster management directive can save lives of thousands. A child rescue and rehabilitation drive can help in securing a dream future for many young children. An IAS is next to god in the hinterlands of India where he is the savior of people suffering from social, economic or administrative deficit.

There is no exam where process is as important as the result. For a sincere and honest candidate, there is nothing called failure in UPSC. Either you emerged as a grade A officer with good privileges or a better human being and most of the time both. Icing on the cake is when you become IAS or IPS.
We can sit on couch, eat popcorn and hurl abuses on the Indian system and wait for a miracle to occur or else we can take the matter in our hands and be the change we want to be. Prepare for the exam and crack this exam so that we get access to a platform through which we can reach to million individuals and contribute our bit for ending miseries of our countrymen and restore Indian glory.

A 10-point Summary of the article:
Civil Services provides a platform with wide reach and impact where your small action can bring qualitative change in people's life
The diversity of the job ensures constant learning where one would not get bored
The opportunity to work at grass root gives feeling of fulfillment of working for others in selfless, nameless and faceless manner
Civil Services gives you an opportunity to play central role in nation building exercise
It fulfills your all Maslowian needs like social status, self esteem and self-actualization
You represent your country at international forums and You sign in the name of Government of India
For a developing country like India, Civil Servants action has multiplier effect. He becomes role model for society
It is better to take things in your own hands instead of cribbing about under-development in your drawing room
Your parents, family would not have issues with quality of life
It provides access to great amount of resources and legal authority which is not possible in NGO's etc.

So Ayn Rand may be right that in a state less society, we may not need Civil Servants but for a country like India, Civil Servants remains the steel frame on which India stands tall.

Ref: Description of good work is picked from quora.

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Three phone calls

I spoke to three people on phone today.
One was my room mate 14 years back. He has started his own venture selling fashion stuff specifically chanderi saarees. I was pleased to see his trade web portal. Out of my excitement and in order to learn things about his start up venture, I called him up. He was modest in recognizing me. Unfortunately He was in Bangalore so we could not plan a meeting. Hopefully we'll meet and I'll ask him about various challenges he faced in starting his own venture. Btw his name is also Saurabh Jain. He was my first room mate when I left home after 10th.

Second person was my guide during civil services preparation Shubhra ma'am. She has been the most kind and affectionate mentor to me. My masters in political science is dedicated to her. In fact, some times I feel that I am blessed. I have met so many good people. Be it Pathak sir who called me up to give me feedback on my psycho papers, Vikash Ranjan sir who checked my bundle of essay or Shubhra ma'am who was kind enough to call me after I failed to inquire about well-being.

Anyway, third person was my colleague in AAP, campaign manager Karol Bagh constituency Chandana Sir. He told me that whole team is missing me. Invited me to some event to be held tomorrow. He is a senior bloke who have worked for many decades in Africa as Engineer. His energy level, commitment are inspiring.

Anyway, I am supposed to finish my three articles. Let me make a beginning today by atleast mentioning the topics. Rest I'll fill later

Why to prepare for Civil Service.
How to prepare for Civil Services.
Swachch Bharat

Today again was not very productive. I overslept. But It was not total waste as well. We discussed Economic Survey. Some hardcore economics discussion occurred. I wonder all these high paying consultant in Big firm like Meckenzie, BCG etc. Do they read any of this stuff? Do they even read newspaper length to length on every day basis? What extra special skill do they possess? God knows for what skill companies pay them millions of rupees.

Anyway, signing off for the day. Will make the blogs more productive and informative from tomorrow. Right now, it is more becoming like a diary entry.

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

A wasted day

Today was not productive at all. I did not waste my time but still at the end of the day, I have not even finished newspaper.
So I don't feel like posting any thing. Now I would try to move to general topics of discussion.

Three major articles are pending... Will finish them first.
For readers:

Jeff Bezos says there are five cardinal principles of success in Business:
1. Being relentless
2. Comfort with being misunderstood
3. Willingness to fail
4. Long term thinking
5. Customer obsession

Similarly Kunal Bahl also says:
If you wish to be happy
for an hour: Then take nap
For a day: Go fishing
For a year: Go get married
For life time: Do something meaningful for others

I have atleast 10 different pathways open for me at this stage of life. Finally It boiled down to shorter list.
I have a very serious choice to make between three options:

Teaching: Whether to teach in IT (Need to work real hard, long term PHD needed) or teach in Coaching for IAS (Instant money, fame etc)
Entrepreneurship: Whether to go for Family business (Already set) or start my own in IT (Need to work real hard)
Jobs: United nation civil services for international diplomat or Job in IT

Civil services preparation has given such a nice perspective and broadened my horizon of interest. A part of mine feels that now take a job where I do not have to slog and spend more time reading, and enjoying cultural stuff, start writing in professional manner and just chill. For example start IAS coaching, I can any day make atleast a lakh rs a month and keep reading general stuff which gives me immense satisfaction as well. Anyway, I have had fair share of adventure during civils preparation.

Another part of mine says do something big, good, productive. I never came to civil services field for becoming a faculty. I came to become IAS. If not this, then go back to IT. It has various long term benefit. Technology lies at the base of any futuristic endeavor. So rather then running behind money in coaching, I should run behind Technology. With all the skills, in future, I may develop a big enterprise. And it is not really very hard. It is just matter of 4 years. I can develop all the lost skills and make up for this 5 years civil services break very easily.

The thought process continues and so does the wait for civils result.
Let us see which way the camel will sit.

Good night