Monday, April 15, 2019

Mid term review

Today is 15th April. A little more than 100 days of year 2019 have passed and my new year resolution of writing 5 blogs every month has gone in the trash. It is little disappointing that despite so many fleeting thoughts, new ideas and worthy experiences, I have failed in penning down my learnings, observations and stories. However, all is not lost. There is always a new beginning and considering that new year day of the Hindu Calendar has passed recently, I think it is time to take a mid term review of my progress on all the targets and restart with a new zeal.

Now that the confession is over, let me list out few task which I have been able to finish in the year.
First was the small booklet on economic survey and budget for IAS aspirants. 
Second was the classes on economics for JATF students.
Third was my schedule for running. It has been mixed experience. March was not a good month but I am glad that I could manage to run or exercise at least 15 days each month till now.
Fourth is my extra-curricular classes which I have managed.
Fifth was finishing two books namely Outlier and economics book by Sanjeev Kumar sir.
Not to mention, I finished at least 4-5 web series along with all this.  

So the year has not been entirely disappointing. The result has been mixed. A large part of year is yet to occur. So with this blog post, I intend to make a fresh beginning and aim to cover my remaining targets of the year.