Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Why am I doing this?

Everyone once in a while such existential question keeps arising. The reason being passion requires some purpose. Everything needs an anchor. So if you are a runner then better set a target or find some purpose.

This first paragraph reflects the reason why I need to write more and more. Writing is nothing but the reflection of your mind onto paper or blog. If one uses a lot of backspace button then this reflection is censored. For me, The precise reason for writing daily blogs is my wish to develop a skillset of error free writing, with a mix of journalistic, philosophical, humorous and aad aadmi attitude. This would also help in developing the skill set of a good storyteller. Further, I wish to clear my mind every day and develop the art of coherent writing embedded with powerful expressions. Sometimes I wonder if this sort of motivation good in the long term?

Psychologists have defined two types of motivations. First is extrinsic motivation, other is Intrinsic motivation. Extrinsic motivation has various sub-categories like identification, introjection, and amotivation etc. As the name signifies, Extrinsic motivation is maintained due to expectations of external rewards, or external factors like idolizing some sports star. However, Intrinsic motivation is driven by love for what you are doing. It is akin to doing things for the sake of doing. So for example, Ambani is making loads of money because he loves making money. Sachin keeps playing all these years because he loves playing cricket.

No need to mention that intrinsic motivation is more stable and sustainable than extrinsic one. Thus, parents and teachers and coaches often try to push a person from territory of extrinsic motivation to intrinsic motivation. This is achieved by following the principle of CAR i.e. Competence, autonomy, and recognition.

I often see people are afraid of taking some assignments or doing certain jobs. Sometimes it may be inherent disliking or disinclination but in many other instances, a person may not be interested in the job because somewhere deep inside he is not confident enough of being successful. He does not consider himself as competent enough for the job. So building competence is the first essential step in Intrinsic Motivation.

Next comes Autonomy. If a person who is fully competent is not provided his freedom of pursuing things then he would not be intrinsically motivated. So hypothetically I play good drums but if the environment restricts me from playing drums then I would not be falling in love with the activity.

Third is Recognition. Whatever one may claim but the fact is everyone loves appreciation. Why do leaders or politicians gets so attracted to sycophants or boot-lickers? They are criticized for every small step of yours day in and day out so somewhere the self is destructed and hurt. In such situation, when someone come and appreciate leaders, leader feel confident and prefer to keep these people in close circles. So one needs constant appreciation in order to internalize certain attitude and behaviors.

I have the autonomy and recognition from so many generous and loving friends. I need to develop competence to take off in the world of writing. Anyway enough gyan for the day. Will post the rest later.

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