A leader is one who knows the day, shows the way and goes the way. I remember meeting a Jain Saint. He was living in a lonely place. I asked him about his food and health. He told me that holy scriptures says "if some one become a saint, he'll always has at least 10 follower". This rule applies to practical world also. If some one is walking on a certain path of which the world does not know or people are not really sure, the person will always find at least 10 people supporting his way of life. Thus a leader is never alone. He always has 10 supporters. In the lighter vein, I think this is the reason why election commission of India's election candidature form requires 10 guarantor only. EC officials know, whichever caste, class, color, creed a person belong, she can always find 10 supporters. So egalitarian in their approach.
Even I see, most of my blogs have a read count of 10 on first day. Some goes viral to the modest scale of 100 but that happens slowly. I do not claim any sort of leadership. But this shows the serendipity of numbers. May be a proof for ancient number theory experts, the so called omniscient numerologists. I am not sarcastic. I am simply bewildered that why any of these things never work for me.
Anyway, I observed another interesting thing in last few days. I came across a very similar android APP which I am working on right now. This induced me to draw a correlation with common theory of face resemblance. I remember, during childhood days, someone told me that every person has 6 other persons with nearly similar face. It means among the total 7 continents in the world, each face is replicated 7 times. Same is the case with any idea. I feel at any given point of time, an idea is executed by 7 teams or groups of people around the world. Some you may know, some you may not be aware of. Whoever do it with persistence, pace and patience emerges as a winner. NASA today announced discovery of earth like planet. I believe there are 6 other such planets. Anyway, mere arm-chair theorising. Let science do it bit before I speak of it so loudly. Similar is the case with 7 Nakshatras.
Any way enough of random thoughts. Will post the rest of it later and will try to bring some substance.
Phir Likhenge.
Interesting thoughts.... Keep them flowing...