Friday, July 31, 2020

Ambition, Discipline, Satisfaction and One ness

Why does life seem a struggle every day? Why do I wish to get up early and tend to sleep late every day? Why is the mind filled with so many conflicting desires? Why do I worry about my work from morning to evening but rarely I does any productive work? Why at one moment I become a votary of discipline and at the next moment becomes the most indisciplined guy around? Why are so many minds operate at once? Why is there no oneness? How can I achieve that oneness and that simplicity of the mind? Can there ever be a voluntary oneness of the mind? Can the mind be a simple thing? 

How come one ever become content about his life? A truly content person would become a sadhu because come what may he will not lose his contentment. Whether he gets his food or he earns his money or he gets some work done, a content person will be content irrespective of the outcome. But won't that make him a beggar? How does contentment relates to action? How does contentment relates to discipline? If I am content then why do I need to be disciplined? and If I am disciplined, how can I call myself content?

It is like a black hole. It is about consciousness. It is about free will. It is about awareness.  It is about acceptance. It is about truthful admission of not being aware about what do you want? Possibly, It is about being honest in not knowing about what you want from life? It is about accepting that you are neither content nor disciplined. It is about loving the fact that you are not sure about your life and be OK with it. It is about Just Chill.

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