Friday, July 31, 2020

Ambition, Discipline, Satisfaction and One ness

Why does life seem a struggle every day? Why do I wish to get up early and tend to sleep late every day? Why is the mind filled with so many conflicting desires? Why do I worry about my work from morning to evening but rarely I does any productive work? Why at one moment I become a votary of discipline and at the next moment becomes the most indisciplined guy around? Why are so many minds operate at once? Why is there no oneness? How can I achieve that oneness and that simplicity of the mind? Can there ever be a voluntary oneness of the mind? Can the mind be a simple thing? 

How come one ever become content about his life? A truly content person would become a sadhu because come what may he will not lose his contentment. Whether he gets his food or he earns his money or he gets some work done, a content person will be content irrespective of the outcome. But won't that make him a beggar? How does contentment relates to action? How does contentment relates to discipline? If I am content then why do I need to be disciplined? and If I am disciplined, how can I call myself content?

It is like a black hole. It is about consciousness. It is about free will. It is about awareness.  It is about acceptance. It is about truthful admission of not being aware about what do you want? Possibly, It is about being honest in not knowing about what you want from life? It is about accepting that you are neither content nor disciplined. It is about loving the fact that you are not sure about your life and be OK with it. It is about Just Chill.

Corona Diaries

Official Corona count has reached to 17 Lakh today. More than 55000 people were reported to be infected on a daily basis. But India has begun unlock and people are roaming on the streets carelessly. The mask has become like a Helmet. People wear it not for the purpose of safety but for the purpose of avoiding challans and penalties. The government, police, people are clueless about the seriousness of the disease.

 On one hand, the government has restricted the number of people at the wedding to 50 and people at the funeral to 20 but Prime minister himself is participating in the celebration of Ram temple Shilanyas. Similarly, the lockdown guidelines are in place but life has become normal once again. People can be found roaming around freely. While the cases are nearing 17 Lakh per day, the infected count is seen reducing in Delhi and Mumbai. Therefore, a common man stands confused about whether to take the disease seriously or not. 

The possible reason for this confusion is possibly inaccurate reporting by the government. Because of this, people and the government itself are not sure about extent, fatality, and seriousness of the disease. The extreme cacophony created by media about the disease adds further to the confusion. When the cases were 500, the whole country has come to standstill and Media created huge hue and cry about it. Migration, job loss became the talk of the town. Now when cases are inching to 20 Lakh and possibly 1 crore in a few months from now, media is busy in covering the Rajasthan crisis and celebrating Ram Bhoomi pooja. Rather than critically evaluating government, media seems to speak in government tone and language.

One can only hope that India does not witness a black Friday type moment where suddenly the cases shot up from 50 thousand per day to 5 lakh the next day due to the virality of the infection. Our health system and social fabric collapsed when India had 500 cases among 134 crore population. What would happen if cases shot up suddenly? There would be chaos and casualties everywhere. 

Hope that our scientists act fast and document the disease in a proper manner. Hope that the government increases the testing and reports the actual numbers. Hope people understand the seriousness of the disease and take precautionary measures. and hope our social fabric withstand the onslaught of Corona and doesn't become colored.

Online Education software

Nowadays, a significant amount of my time is invested in finding software solutions for the online model of education. The key requirements for such systems are broadly following:
1. Good video streaming (Not necessarily two-way)
2. Interactive Whiteboard facility
3. Attendance system
4. User management
5. Fees/Enquiry management
6. Administrative reports
7. Quiz/Test grading system
8. Recording and delayed view functionality
9. Multiple host/Multiple Live session 
10. Chat/Polls/Share files/Mute all type of features

I along with my other team members investigated multiple tools offered for video streaming, online meetings, and customized solutions for coaching. There is no one tool that caters to all the features. Broadly one can divide the tools into two categories. Branded global tool and Local custom tools.
Branded Global Tools: This includes G Suit product, Adobe Connect, Webex, and Zoom.
The video streaming features are more or less similar in all the four tools. The final choice depends on the relative importance of various exclusive features offered in each product set. However, a comprehensive evaluation indicates the following order. G Suit ~ Adobe Connect > Webex > Zoom. 
G Suit provides an integrated solution of Google Classroom and Google Meet which solves almost all the requirements except that all the students/participants should have same domain.
Adobe Connect provides a very good flash-based solution for web streaming, whiteboard, and other features. The main challenge is if student has to submit the assignment later then there is no classroom-type feature available here.
Webex is also good for corporate style meetings but the issue is you need to buy different licenses for different products. 
And for Zoom, it is made in China so it is any way out of the question.

The Local solutions were Vidu Tech, Class Plus, and Collabspace. The key challenge in all three is they do not have their own cloud. They host your videos and portal on AWS and other servers. Hence the business model is often pay per hour or pay per view. It contains hidden costs and only suitable for 100 lectures, 200 students type setup. Hence it is not desirable.

Overall my experience is Google rocks. Go for G Suit and if not then the second best is Adobe Connect. Will keep you posted about the rest.

Thursday, July 23, 2020

Q&A Poem

क्या कहें दिल लगता नहीं
सूनी दुनिया सूना है अम्बर
जिसके संग थे सफ़र पर
उसकी मिलती नहीं खवर

सबका अपना सफर अकेला
धरती पर हैं सब मेहमान ,
जाना तो सबको ही होगा
एक ना एक दिन देवस्थान

फिर कैसे में खेलूं होली,
क्यूं जोडू दीपों की माल,
सब खुशियां लगती बेमानी,
चाहे हो यहां रंग हज़ार।

यही अनूठी दुनिया है,
यही अनूठा अनुभव है,
मायाजाल के भ्रम को तोड़ो
दुनिया बनती निश्छल है।

हर कोई जूझ रहा है प्रतिक्षण,
अपने दुख संघर्षों से,
इस यात्रा में खो बैठे है,
मौके सारे  उत्सव के।

जीवन का आनंद उठाओ ,
खेल कूद, करो अन्तर्ध्यान
व्यस्त रखो अपने चित्त को,
उद्देश्य बनाकर मन में ठान।

दुनिया देखी कहां है अब तक,
देखो इसके है रंग हज़ार,
घूमो फिरो, मिलो लोगों से,
लग जाओ बस अपने काज ।

यही सार है इस जीवन,
इसका कोई झोर नहीं,
सफर यहां शुरू नहीं होता,
इस डगर का कोई अंत नहीं

बहुत से जीवन बाकी है अभी,
जो पास है ज़ी लो उसे कभी,
किसी समय और किसी काल में,
पुनः मिलेगी खबर सही।

Philosophy of a Bhakt

India is suffering miserably from Corona Crisis. It is well on course to top the charts of corona infected people. In fact if real numbers are investigated then it might have already breached the benchmarks set by the USA and other nations. However, in these trying times, Corona is not the only disease that has inflicted our people. There is much fatal and worse infection that has been lingering from the pre-COVID era i.e. Andh-Bhakti. The infection of andh-Bhakti is so deep that even when we are failing on every policy front, ranging from demonetization to foreign policy to CAA-NRC to China, andh-bhakts remain hallucinated with the vision of new India. By any guestimate, the Andh-bhakti infection will exceed the COVID infected people by a large margin. This left me wondering about "why and how of the situation". Why are so many people blinded with the vision of new India which hinges on the one-man vision over democracy and why in the process means have lost their importance and end has assumed significance. Here are my observations.  

1. Bhakts loyalty and blind faith are driven by two factors. First is the fear of Muslim rule in India after 25 years due to exploding Muslim population. Second is their disenchantment with Democracy due to its slow pace, increased corruption, and inherent dichotomies. 

2. In this light, Bhakts are firm believers that the Indian constitution needs to be changed. The change in the constitution requires a 2/3rd majority in both the houses. In Lok Sabha, Bhakts have got the majority by virtue of clean victory in parliamentary elections. In Rajya Sabha, Bhakts have taken a beating. They do not have a full majority. The fact that India is in continuous mode of election, makes it difficult for one party to call shot every time. Local regional issues are often at the counter with national issues. Moreover, anti-incumbency, vote bank politics, regional parties, and other factors operate. Hence, it is very difficult to emerge victorious in every election.

3. India's federal structure is such that most issues related to urban and day to day life are vested with states. But finances are majorly controlled by the center. Hence, it is not possible to work alone.

4. In this background, Bhakts believe that the first thing is to obtain the majority in Rajya Sabha and states. For this Bhakts ignore the corrupt means of horse-trading. The majority in both houses will make it easier for government to change the constitution. 

5. As Indian system is filled with checks and balances, there are various institutions that can make government attempt futile. Four main such institutions are namely Media, Judiciary, Election Commission, and Tax bodies. The three other institutions namely Bureaucracy, Police, and Army are already polarised towards a strong man image because it allows them unfettered powers and freehand.

6. Therefore, Bhakts do not mind media being corporatized and hijacked, Judiciary being manipulated, Election commission making biased decisions, and Tax bodies showing favoritism.

7. The disappointment with democracy often helps in rationalizing these dastardly divisive acts like mob-lynching. 

8. Once the same party or governing body achieves a majority in Lower house, Upper House, and States, the changes in the constitutions can happen seamlessly. Be it women reforms, population reforms or parliamentary reforms, or electoral reforms. And that would be the beginning of the Ram Rajya. 

Basically, the key philosophy lies in achieving the Ram Rajya through the principles of Shrimad Bhagwad Gita. The key question to ask is where is the flaw in this approach? 

The answer is ethics. The answer is the institution. The answer is collateral damage. If one thinks that the use of the wrong means would end abruptly, then he is mistaken. It results in poor habits. It corrupts the soul of the institutions. It sets precedents that are used as a template in years to come. It results in long-lasting bitterness in the social fabric. It breeds prejudice and stereotypical thinking in the society which will harm the nation in years to come. 

I won't comment on whether such means are justified or not but one thing for sure that there are alternatives. For example, Technology and emergence of organic leadership is one solution to this. Social capital and ethical actions by various agencies is another aspect of leadership. Rest Later.