Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Fake world and acceptance

As people move from adolescent to the adult age, one thing which defines their identity is work. Such strong is this identity that whenever you walk into any social gathering, the first question asked is what are you doing or what do you do as if the questioner is immediately offering a deal of 100 crores to the visitor. Why has the work become such a strong factor of identity? Alternatively, the question could be, why should or should not a person's work assume such importance in the social/professional discourse? 

A more general question is why we wish to be seen good. Why do we wish to portray as if everything is perfect with our life? Why can't we accept the thing that we are imperfect and all of us are living an imperfect life. And forget about others, why can't a person accept the fact that he is not living the best life and still be happy with it. Why has society conditioned ourselves in such a manner where we wish to be seen perfect, look perfect, work perfect and joy perfect. Why have we become so tunneled vision? 

Everywhere on social media, everyone is trying to project their best me. Who are we trying to impress? Why are we creating a fake world around ourselves? Why can't we simply accept our life conditions, our imperfections and our weaknesses? 

The start should happen from our talks and the way we define our self in our minds. If we accept things in our mind then we do not need to fake around. We can become more joyful, loving and peaceful and experience the calm of this chaotic real fake world. 

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