Tuesday, December 10, 2019

A good teacher

I have had the opportunity to sit on both sides of the study table i.e. as a student as well as a teacher. I have first hand witnessed the impact a good teacher and teacher tort relationship can leave on human minds. Even nowadays I come across many teachers and students. The tendency of Self-observation creates another vantage position for me to do self-assessment and often leads me to compare my tenure as a teacher and student with other peers. It provides me insight into how could I have done a better job both as a student as well as a teacher. So here is the short summary:

1. A good teacher will always follow up with students like why did you not come to the previous class or why are you scoring less in the assignments? Nowadays teachers do not follow up with students on the pretext of giving them space or considering teaching as purely a transactional activity. A good teacher never does it. He persists and pursues students.

2. A good teacher is always considerate. He believes in forgiving. He is never distrusting rather he accepts the student's version. Even when he knows that the student is fooling around, he will always handle things with love, care, and compassion.

3. A good teacher repeats himself in the class i.e. he would say the same thing, punch lines, important concepts in the class again and again. This helps in leaving imprints on the student's minds.

4. A good teacher always starts with basics and focuses on basics. He constructs his lectures meticulously in a piecemeal manner. 

5. A good teacher praises and provides incentives for every small positive action whereas withdraws reinforcement whenever he sees red flags in student's behavior. 

6. A good teacher will always keep the class dialectical. It is never a monologue.

7. There should be a sense of genuineness, humility, and concern in the teacher's tone rather than cynicism, or saracasm. A good positive sense of humor would be the icing on the cake for the students. 

Overall, more than the content of the subject, it is the relationship between the teacher and the tort which defines the quality of the class.

This has been my learning after watching my teachers, and myself teaching a bunch of students. Hopefully I will implement some of these in my own teaching style and learn from this experience.

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