Friday, May 21, 2021

Corona demotivation

Last month have been very demotivating for me. My ability to push myself, finish work and achieve-oriented lifestyle has diminished. I am finding it difficult to live a simple disciplined life with a set routine.

Part of this could be attributed to Corona. Everyday is either invested in Corona related health issue or SOS message handling or dealing with bad news. However, in last week the bigger reason is my phone addiction. 

Now the key question is how to put life back on track.

1. Observe yourself, Observe your habits and rationale

2. Keep walking how so ever slow

3. Remember, not walking will make situation worse

4. Control phone usage, reduce your conversation time

5. Keep diary, be observant about your usage of time

6. Speak only when necessary. Control it by being extra vigilant about words coming from your mouth.

However, I had some new experiences in this period.

1. Sometimes health does not allow you to work.

2. Laziness is not always lack of discipline. Rather it could be induced due to health issues.

3. It is perfectly ok to work at your own pace and not run behind deliverables.

4. Try to sleep early if your day was not productive.

5. Your bad days should help you in feeling happy about your past and productive days. 

Take it easy. Just know the direction. Pace may vary. Effort and Effort fullness should always be there.

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