Sunday, January 31, 2021


I am fortunate to be part of a very exciting workplace and next generation project in Income Tax. I have got the opportunity to work with some very interesting personalities. This has given me insight about different kinds of leaderships styles. Here I am writing about four people.

X: He is mix of boss and a leader. He believes in DIY approach, go getter, action oriented person. Challenge with him is he inspires fear rather than enthusiasm. He is mostly in a blame game mode, pointing fingers and targeting people around.

X junior: He is a true deputy. Mostly in a yes man mode in public and signal his differences in private. He can be a inspirational leader however he smartly understand the ecosystem and remain work focused.

Y: He is a leader who know how to involve the juniors. He will ask for their opinion, take everyone along, pursues consistently and have an independent thought process. The instant decision making takes time but overall he is a calm leader who tries to understand the problem and gives real solution.

Z: He is neither a boss nor a leader. He is like a negative test case in the learning process. Not keeping people in loop, shifting blames, he beams insecurity rather than fear or inspiration. 

All four exhibit a contrasting style of leadership. It is best to identify your position in the setup and behave accordingly in the work settings.

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