Thursday, December 31, 2020

Sales tips

 Recently I was talking to my nephew who has made a successful career in sales. I asked him for five tips for sales. Here is his wisdom which I consider worth listing here:

1. Personal relationships: More than business, relationships matter.  Personal relationships bring business. 

2. Quality of service is important for creating relationships.

3. Follow up: Persistent follow up with the customers despite denials and persuasive approach helps in closing the deal.

 4. Salesmanship: Establishing a connection is a necessary first step for the successful delivery of content. Whenever you are pitching, always identify the key decision-maker, make a rational argument, be respectful to the client come what may but drive your presentation. Don't get into Q&A mode. Know your presentation. 

5. Customer is god: It is never the mistake of the customer. It is always the salesman's mistake for not being able to close the deal.

These tips are so pertinent to almost every walk of life. One thing which I learned from watching him as it is not the aptitude rather the attitude that decides your altitude.

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