Sunday, November 29, 2020


What is being cool? I understand it at four levels. 

When I get the results and still not happy. This is cool level 0.

When I put in hard work and I get the results. I am very happy. This is cool level 1.

When I put in hard work and I do not get the desired results but still I am happy. This is a cool plus.

When I do not even work and irrespective of the result or situation, I remain happy. This is called the cool square.

Most people around fall in the level 0 category and it is very rare to find people in the level square. "Nishkam Karm" falls under the plus category. From this parameter, I don't find even MSD or superstars like Akshay Kumar as cool. 

There are other ways too for judging the coolness. For example, absence of fear and anger, forgiving and forgetting nature,  assured nature, "never mind dont care attitude" etc. Some of it comes from upbringing whereas some come from experience. However, the golden parameters are as mentioned in the levels.


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