Sunday, July 14, 2019

Two epics

When the history of sports will be written, yesterday will find a special mention. The reason being two of the greatest game in the sporting history were played yesterday. One was ODI cricket world cup final between England and Newzealand. Other being Lawn tennis Wimbledon final between Roger Federer and Novak Djokovic.

I could not watch the second one as I was busy with the first one. I don't regret missing the second because the first game was full of thrill, excitement, climax and lot of fun. More specifically three things were very noticeable in the match.

First of it was heroics of Ben Stokes. He played a really courageous inning. As goes the adage: Fortune favours the brave. It definitely favored him vigorously.
Second was cool and calm response of Ken Williamson. It was fabulous. It requires great deal of experience, thought experiments and wisdom to remain that way.
Third was the shot of destiny. If something is not meant for you, whatever you try, it won't fall in place.

The whole game reminded me of Hitler. When Hitler had to choose his army generals,he would call them for a final interview and he used to ask just one question to them, "Are you lucky?". I think this was the difference between the two sides on that day.

Another thing which got stuck in my mind was importance of Hope. It is so powerful a mental state of mind that if it is strong enough, it definitely changes the outcome. It is like whole world conspires for you to succeed.

Anyway enough for the day. Rest will come later.

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