Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Documentation and Project Planning

This post is about importance of project planning. Any big project becomes hundred times easier if we are able to break down the project in small segments.
1. Whenever an employee float a new idea or new substantial suggestion, tell him to document and send the idea across.
2. Go for detailed documentation of all the screens, module in the form of Wireframes.
3. Do a daily stand up meeting and take updates from each employee.
4. If employee is disturbing the team ethics then ask him to update his work status two times in the day.
5. Fix individual responsibility and accountability.
6. Identify the sincere employees and give them appropriate autonomy, freedom and respect.
7. Maintain daily, weekly and monthly tracker of your project.
8. Do not hesitate from conducting marathon meetings once in 15 days.
9. Whenever a new employee joins, set the tone by way of these meetings. Give him the glimpse of project planning and your own nature.
10. Behave like an officer, disciplined, meticulously organized, neat and clean. This sets the benchmark for employees and also define the standards of excellence.
11. Point out even the minutest mistake of the employees and ensure that an standard of excellence is set among the team members.

For all this, the leader himself has to be in high spirit, full of enthusiasm and energy. He should live up to all the expectations of excellence which has from his employees. This is my learning from the Project Insight.

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