Saturday, October 20, 2018

Learnings from the job

1. There is no hurry.
2. If you wish to insult someone, Don't abuse them. Make fun of their rationality.
3. Keep low profile.
4. To say something negative, say it in the most positive way.
5. To show your importance, make the person wait.
6. At the technical job, Do it yourself.
7. At the managerial job, delegate and communicate.
8. Listen carefully.
9. Always try to see through the hidden meaning.
10. Always respect seniors.
11. Create situations and observe how do people react. Remember these are generic observations. These are simply cues and should not be the whole basis of judgement.

Some examples are like:

Want to see someone's real views on the issue then  tell the shitty things as a usual affair and see their reaction.

Want to see some one's ego, then call the person by name or Tu/Tum.

Never offer money or anything in reward to a person who was doing a job which he did not like/enjoy. His congruence will make him love the thing.

Want to see the depth of relationship, ask for a petty favor. See if other person can take the pain for you.

Want to see the truth in person's voice, look in his eyes.

12. Meet at least one new person everyday.
13. Use the techniques like foot-in-the door to get things done.
14. Always call people on their birth days and write personalised messages.
15. Always help others. Unconditionally.

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