Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Madhushala: Few more rubais

भावुकता अंगूर लता से खींच कल्पना की हाला,
कवि साकी बनकर आया है भरकर कविता का प्याला,
कभी न कण-भर खाली होगा लाख पिएँ, दो लाख पिएँ!
पाठकगण हैं पीनेवाले, पुस्तक मेरी मधुशाला।।४।

This rubai tells about the infinite dimensions of creativity and sizeless power of creativity. As per poet, the emotions lead to creative thought and manifest in the form of a poems. The power of poems is such that it is endless and would fill all the quest and needs of readers. At a deeper level, poem also describes the importance of being drunk or immersed into something which is infinite.

चलने ही चलने में कितना जीवन, हाय, बिता डाला!
'दूर अभी है', पर, कहता है हर पथ बतलानेवाला,
हिम्मत है न बढूँ आगे को साहस है न फिरुँ पीछे,
किंकर्तव्यविमूढ़ मुझे कर दूर खड़ी है मधुशाला।।७।

This rubai tells that we keep walking and walking in the quest of happiness and state of bliss. We keep searching for it in every walk of life. There comes a time when we proceed so deep in the pursuit that we become directionless. We fail to gather the courage to move forward or going back to the initial stage. Some one has aptly said if one is not happy at present, he can not be happy in the future. So live in the present. Madhushala or your passion or love lie in the present.

लाल सुरा की धार लपट सी कह न इसे देना ज्वाला,
फेनिल मदिरा है, मत इसको कह देना उर का छाला,
दर्द नशा है इस मदिरा का विगत स्मृतियाँ साकी हैं,
पीड़ा में आनंद जिसे हो, आए मेरी मधुशाला।।१४।

Madhushala is a state of bliss whereas drink is the painful experience. One shall not confuse the painful experiences of life as something bad or unpleasant. This rubai tells that a real drunkard would be one who could enojy the drink even in the state of pain. In deeper sense, it means those who can enjoy the life, and its sad eventualities with a joyful mind are only realise the true state of bliss.

धर्मग्रन्थ सब जला चुकी है, जिसके अंतर की ज्वाला,
मंदिर, मसजिद, गिरिजे, सब को तोड़ चुका जो मतवाला,
पंडित, मोमिन, पादिरयों के फंदों को जो काट चुका,
कर सकती है आज उसी का स्वागत मेरी मधुशाला।।१७।

Here poet use Madhushala as a metaphore to describe the state of bliss. As per Poet, only people who have overcome the resistance of communal forces, whose inner lamp of enlightenment has overcome the preachings of religious text and who had been able to free himself from the clutches of priests can only realise the true state of bliss, self-actualization and enlightenment.

एक बरस में, एक बार ही जगती होली की ज्वाला,
एक बार ही लगती बाज़ी, जलती दीपों की माला,
दुनियावालों, किन्तु, किसी दिन आ मदिरालय में देखो,
दिन को होली, रात दिवाली, रोज़ मनाती मधुशाला।।२६।

Here poet use Madhushala as a metaphore to describe the state of bliss. As per poet, various festivities occur once in a season or year but a person who achieves the state of bliss become eternally happy.

अधरों पर हो कोई भी रस जिहवा पर लगती हाला,
भाजन हो कोई हाथों में लगता रक्खा है प्याला,
हर सूरत साकी की सूरत में परिवर्तित हो जाती,
आँखों के आगे हो कुछ भी, आँखों में है मधुशाला।।३२।

This rubai explains the experiential feelings in the state of bliss. When a person is in state of ultimate enlightenment then whatever kind of experience, feeling of sorrow, happiness, sadness, irritation, frustration or pain occurs, he would always experience the joy
and love. Everything becomes bliss for him. This occurs when you become totally immersed in whatever you are doing.

चित्रकार बन साकी आता लेकर तूली का प्याला,
जिसमें भरकर पान कराता वह बहु रस-रंगी हाला,
मन के चित्र जिसे पी-पीकर रंग-बिरंगे हो जाते,
चित्रपटी पर नाच रही है एक मनोहर मधुशाला।।४२।

Here poet uses the metaphor of saki to describe life and hala as good or bad experiences of life. He says that life brings all sort of colorful experiences which help us in enriching the canvass of our mind. One who is immersed in enjoying these life experiences developa a colorful state of mind which exhibit the real state of blissfulness.

मुसलमान औ' हिन्दू है दो, एक, मगर, उनका प्याला,
एक, मगर, उनका मदिरालय, एक, मगर, उनकी हाला,
दोनों रहते एक न जब तक मस्जिद मन्दिर में जाते,
बैर बढ़ाते मस्जिद मन्दिर मेल कराती मधुशाला!।५०।

Poet comments on the divisive force of religion in a satirical and poetic manner. As per his observation, people may have different religion or worshiping styles like muslims and hindus but the force of life and its experiences do not differentiate on the basis of religion. It treats everyone in equal manner and in the state of bliss, everyone has similar experiences.

एक तरह से सबका स्वागत करती है साकीबाला,
अज्ञ विज्ञ में है क्या अंतर हो जाने पर मतवाला,
रंक राव में भेद हुआ है कभी नहीं मदिरालय में,
साम्यवाद की प्रथम प्रचारक है यह मेरी मधुशाला।।५९।

In this poet describes that for a man immersed in his work, differences become ephemeral and useless. In a way, state of bliss i.e. complete immersion in one's world of work or virtue or drink is a first example of communism.

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