Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Emotional Intelligence

Last time when I wrote the review of Emotional Intelligence book, I missed one very important point. The point is "Emotional intelligence is unlike intelligence quotient". Your IQ more or less remain stable. But Emotional Intelligence varies on the seasonal basis. Whenever a new experience occurs, some rejig takes place in your emotional corner. Neurons move up and down in the limbic system. Some people find the new equilibrium very soon and come back to their normal state while others take some time to understand the new incident and to tackle its emotional repercussions.

Why does this happen? It happens because every day when we begin, we carry an emotional baggage of the previous day. The bags get heavy and heavier as the time passes and eventually it causes huge disequilibrium in your emotional state of mind. Eventually, one fine day, a naturally calm person turns violent or vice versa. There is nothing called right or wrong emotion. But awareness of self and other emotions and ability to manipulate self and others emotion is the key to higher emotional intelligence. So let say you get angry one day. This does not mean you are not emotionally mature or intelligence. The question is "whether you were aware of being angry? Were you able to control your anger? Was the anger intentional to get what you want from the other person?"

For me, last one month was turbulent. My focus was divided. My attention was missing. There was self-doubt about my own priorities and my ways of getting what I want? Even today I am not sure if this is the way to go about it. But then comes the wisdom. Play everything as if it is a game. Do not fear to loose anything. Do not bow down. Negotiate hard. Take it as an experience. Do not show your soft side. Do not tell others about your weakness. Do not let your priority become your weakness. And most important learn to not let your work spill into your studies.

During IAS preparation, the best way was to ignore ignore ignore and let go let go let go. So now if you are not letting it go, make sure that you don't let this interfere with your studies. That would be the best emotionally intelligent behavior.

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