Recently I watched the Netflix docudrama Social drama. It raised important issues regarding technology taking over human lives. There is no doubt that technology has transformed the world and the benefits are immense however there is a flip side as well. These platforms can have a life of their own. And after a stage, the dependence is neural in nature. For example, take your car or food. You only think of a car or food when you wish to travel or eat. However, with social media platforms, humans have turned eternally hungry. This has in a way paralyzed human thinking. For instance, Snapchat dysmorphia, Surveillance capitalism, Internet lynch mob is some common examples of its side effects.
The dependence on gadgets and technology has pushed us into an age of disinformation. According to Tristan Harris, we need a new agenda for Technology where we should also be able to account for the negative side of technology. The way mobiles and social media have taken over our me time, family time, dinner conversations, or even playtime, it feels like we as a society have fallen under some kind of spell. It would be pertinent to ask if there is anyone who is working to make these products like Gmail, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, etc less addictive.
People think that these services are free however little do they understand that when you are not paying for the product, then you are the product. Our attention is the product that is being sold out and without conscious realization, our behavior, perception, and attitude undergo a change. The data collected at large scale results in data prediction models which can nudge humans in a certain direction. Every click, every action of humans is monitored and hence the machines know when we are isolated or when we are depressed. Machines have more information about us than probably we know about ourselves. It is like trading in human futures at a mass scale. and effectively, Internet companies have become the richest companies in the world in no time.
It is said that any sufficiently advanced technology is no less than magic. The same stands true for next-generation AI and predictive analytics. Online life has overtaken real-life and AI-modeled positive intermittent reinforcement has resulted in programing our unconscious mind at a deeper level. The machine notices everything and induces curiosity in people to remain hooked to the screen. For instance, autofill, emoji, notification, status updates, etc are ways to keep people glued to social media.
Today we have the first generation in the history who got on social media in mid-school. As a result, people suffer from self-esteem problems. The whole generation faces issues of anxiety and fragility. The success of social media platforms is optimized to a commercial notion of success. Hence the time has come, we should rethink about social media and come back to real life.