This series is hosted by Vikram Sathaye a failed cricketer but an outstanding presenter and stand-up comedian. In this, he hits off conversations with cricketers like Dravid, Sachin, and Bhajji. This series is more purposive, insightful and anecdotal than the Gaurav Kapoor's breakfast with Champion. The funny incidents of dressing room tell us about the other side of the spectrum. One thing which differentiates people at the top and people in the middle is that people at the top are people who are totally lost in their pursuits. They have no time for other nuisance things. There is nothing called balance. This speech of balance in life works for people in the middle. The activities of the life of such people are defined by concentration and focus and that's what makes them a champion.
There are so many activities to engage in the life that a person cannot be part of everything. One has to choose the life which one wants to live. We live in the age of super specialization. Champions are people who super-specialize in their domain. The super specialization demands a certain sense of madness and the highest level of consistency. Thus, one would do a great service to his career by developing this habit of madness and consistency.
Another striking feature of champions is the destiny. They all seem to be destined to achieve heights. Anyway will write about some interesting anecdotes later.